Date: 20th November 2021
Venue: Pentecost English Church-Asiwa
Facilitator- Mrs. Victoria Adomako -RRIG
Rights and Responsibilities Initiatives Ghana (RRIG) in partnership with the Alliance for Reproductive Health Rights (ARHR) and the Ghana Health Service on Saturday 20th November 2021 organized an Adolescent Health Fair for adolescent girls and girls with disabilities in the Bosome Freho District-Asiwa. The purpose of the meeting was to educate Adolescent girls and girls with disabilities on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRHR) as well as referral to health services for health care. A total number of Ninety-Two (92) students made up of Seventy-Two (72) students from the Junior High Schools, twenty (20) students from the Senior High school and Twenty-Four (24) teenagers with disabilities attended the Programme. The selected schools included;
- Bobiam D/A JHS
- Asiwa Presbyterian JHS
- Bosome Freho Senior High School
Mrs. Victoria Adomako the facilitator, for the day from PRIG educate the participant on the rise of HIV AIDs in the Region, particularly in the Bosome Freho District. She emphasized on the spread, symptoms effects and control of this disease. She remarked that one can contract the disease through blood infusion with one partner carrying the disease. She explained some of the ways the disease could spread which involve having unprotected sex, using used blade or knife, using same toothbrush with somebody among others.
The facilitator advised them to desist from sexual intercourse at this young age and concentrate on their studies since this would lead them to a better future.
Indoor games such as singing, and dancing competition was organized among the participated schools to climax the occasion.
“She Leads Ghana Network” in Ashanti Region however call on all stakeholders responsible for the effective development of girls and girls with disabilities to come together and educate them on Sexual and Reproductive Health.