
On October 22, 2024, the Bosome Freho District Assembly held a significant event at Morontuo to commission a newly built police station. The project is expected to improve security in the area and enhance law enforcement efforts. Key government officials, traditional leaders, and community members attended the event, which was lauded by them as a vital step toward ensuring peace and safety in the district.

The event saw the participation of the following notable figures:

  • District Chief Executive (DCE), Hon. Kofi Adu-Amoateng, Bosome Freho District
  • Presiding Member (PM) of the Bosome Freho District Assembly
  • Regional Police Commander (DCOP Ankomah)
  • District Police Commander, Seidu Brimah – Bosome Freho
  • Member of Parliament (MP) for Bosome Freho Constituency, Hon. Akwasi Darko Boateng
  • Nananom (Traditional Leaders)
  • Assembly Members


In his address, the Presiding Member of the District Assembly attributed the project’s successful completion to the strong collaboration between the District Assembly and the Member of Parliament. The PM emphasized that this police station would serve as a much-needed security infrastructure for the community, providing residents with a sense of safety and trust in the ability of law enforcement to maintain peace and order.

The Member of Parliament for Bosome Freho Constituency, Hon. Akwasi Darko Boateng expressed his joy and pride in seeing the promise of a police station fulfilled. He noted that “22nd October 2024 is a day to remember,” highlighting the completion of the project as a major achievement for the district. He stressed that the police exist to protect citizens, not intimidate them, and called on officers to carry out their duties responsibly.

The MP also extended gratitude to the District works engineer, acknowledging the quality of work that went into the project. In addition, he appealed to the Regional Police Commander to ensure that the new station is equipped with the necessary logistics, including vehicles, to enhance police patrols and enforcement. The MP took the opportunity to request the support of Nananom and the entire community to vote massively for his party in the upcoming general elections. He reassured them that the government remains committed to improving infrastructure, especially roads, in the district.

The Regional Police Commander, DCOP Ankomah, commended the District Assembly, the MP, and the DCE for their dedication to improving security through the construction of the Morontuo Police Station. He reiterated that “police work is a shared responsibility,” urging the community and traditional leaders to actively support the officers who will be stationed at the new facility.

DCOP Ankomah encouraged the community to avoid resorting to acts of instant justice and allow the police to carry out their duties according to the law. He echoed the MP’s call for logistical support, promising to push for the necessary resources, including patrol vehicles, to ensure that the police can effectively protect the district. The commander assured residents that the police service would maintain the facility and work diligently to fulfill its mandate with integrity and professionalism.

In his address, the DCE began by expressing his heartfelt gratitude to the Member of Parliament (MP) for prioritizing security in the district. He acknowledged the MP’s contribution to projects across the district. This, according to the DCE, demonstrated the MP’s commitment to improving security in the district.

The DCE highlighted several key benefits of the new police station, emphasizing that the facility would:

  • Strengthen police visibility in the community.
  • Improve the police’s ability to respond effectively to emergencies.
  • Foster closer collaboration between law enforcement and the local community.
  • Enhance public confidence in law enforcement, leading to safer communities.

The DCE took the opportunity to issue a word of caution, urging the District Police Command and the station officer in charge of the facility to implement a regular maintenance plan. He stressed that lack of proper maintenance could lead to the early deterioration of the facility, reduced productivity, and potentially place a financial burden on the District Assembly.

He advised that poor maintenance culture would not only hinder the long-term functionality of the police station but also decrease the effectiveness of law enforcement operations. Therefore, he called for a proactive approach to ensure the station is well-maintained to derive its intended benefits for the community fully.

In closing, the DCE made a passionate appeal to Nananom and the entire community to support the ruling party, the New Patriotic Party (NPP), in the upcoming general elections. He encouraged the community to vote massively for the NPP in the December 7th elections, highlighting the government’s ongoing commitment to improving security and infrastructure within the district.



The commissioning of the Morontuo Police Station marks a significant achievement for the Bosome Freho District. This project is expected to greatly enhance security, reduce crime, and improve the quality of life for residents in Morontuo and its surrounding communities. With the community’s continued support, traditional leaders, and government officials, the police station is poised to play a crucial role in maintaining law and order.

Posted in Events, General Documents, News.

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